In my Learning Spanish Podcast I will cover a lot of cultural differences in Spanish words. This time I will talk about the origin of the Latino culture and you will also learn how two Spanish speaking countries use the same word but refer to two different things: “el bocadillo”. And at the end of this episode, I will answer some of the questions about Spanish words that you guys have already been sent to me. Let’s start!
Difference in Spanish language between countries
Between different Spanish speaking countries there is a big difference in Spanish words, phrases and sayings. It is possible that you say a phrase or a word that is very normal to say in one country, but in another country they don’t understand you or it’s even weird what you are saying. For example: in Spain you use the phrase ‘¿dónde están los servicios?’ if you are looking for the toilet. Use this same phrase in Latin America and they won’t understand you.
In a series of podcasts I will cover this subject: differences in Spanish words between countries. Especially when you are going to travel through Spanish speaking countries this information will be very useful to you.
In this episode I will teach you the origin of the Latino culture and differences of the word ‘el bocadillo’ between Spain and Colombia.
How to listen to the Spanish dialogue?
My mission is to teach you Spanish, so doing a podcast in English won’t really work. The introduction of this podast will be in English, but the explaining you about the Latino culture and the use of the same Spanish word with different meanings will be in Spanish.
You learn a language faster when you listen and listen and listen a bit more. Get familiar with the pronunciation and start recognizing Spanish words. So try to listen the Spanish podcast many times and write down what you here.
If you want to understand the explanation well and to learn Spanish fast, feel free to plan a free introductory call with me to get to know each other. You can also take a look at my prices for learning Spanish online. And no worries if you just started learning Spanish: I can speak in English with you whenever necessary. I mean, if you don’t speak even a word I can handle it, believe me!
The Spanish podcast: what can you expect?
You will find the following structure on the podcast:
- Explanation about the origin of the word Latino : 2m 31s
- Explanation about the Spanish word ‘bocadillo’: 6m 56s
- Questions answered: 15m 24s
Questions about Spanish words answered
At the end of this episode I answer the following questions I received from listeners:
- Has the word ‘gringo’ a bad connotation?
- What is the meaning of the Spanish expression ‘todo bien’?
- What does the Spanish verd ‘arrepentirse’ mean and how do you use this verb?
Podcast no 2: Cultural differences in Spanish language
What do you think is the meaning of ‘el bocadillo’?